Q: Are bituminous coatings and asphalt-based coatings suitable for waterproofing roofs?

A: No, bituminous coatings and asphalt-based coatings are not suitable for waterproofing roofs in Lebanon. During winter, bituminous coatings and asphalt-based coatings become stiff and brittle cause cracks to form due to the lowering temperature. Furthermore, during summer, asphalt will absorb more heat due to it being black eventually raising indoor temperatures.

Q: What kind of coatings will perform the best for waterproofing?

A: Acrylic coatings, like our own high-end Roofcoating XR and Roccoat Rc are unaffected by temperature changes and UV rays. Our own Roofcoating XR is a reinforced version that is capable of lasting up to 20 years or more, comes with a 10-year warranty, whilst staying flexible and being cheaper than polyurethane coatings.

Q: Does polyurethane (commonly known as PU) offer good long-lasting protection against water?

A: No, polyurethane is not UV resistant and will not last more than 3 years outdoors whilst being exposed to UV rays and sunlight. We recommend using polyurethane in areas not exposed to direct sunlight.